get well soon
Sometimes you just have to try again...
With "Get Well Soon" I've taken a back to basics approach. No keyboards, no synths, no bull shit. Just guitar, bass, drums, and vocals. And 808s. I love 808s. But it wasn't always going to be like that. At first I had planned to write an album full of keyboard heavy tracks. As time went on, and the months of writing started to add up, I grew frustrated. Something wasn't clicking. Something was wrong. The first draft of "Get Well Soon" was finished and ready to be released, but I hated it. It was too driven by organs and blippy nonsense. So I deleted it. I scrapped the whole thing and started again. I had planned to release the original version by August 2017, but seeing as I've had to rework the whole thing, it got a 2018 release instead.